
时间:2024-02-18 16:57:43




  There is always a scavenger appeared in the village, every time, I have regard for him. But a chance, let I can't forget him...

  One day afternoon, the sun warm, let a person feel very comfortable. I stepped on the golden sun, rubbish downstairs. At that time, my eyes appeared the figure: I already familiar with hunched micro, a dozen patch of grey coat, dusty cheap.in trousers and shabby. He is carefully in the trash to find anything of value. Due to he was standing in the middle, I can not throw garbage into the trash can. So, I carefully ask: "grandpa, you make a downside?" He heard a voice, turned his head slowly. I suddenly froze, that is a how to face!

  His forehead wrinkled, record the weather-beaten days; Filled with tired eyes Mired in the eyes, the eyes of some confusion; Gills help skin loses elasticity, loosely on meat... He saw me, some surprise, maybe I was the first person to call him. He slowly walked to the side, I just throw the garbage into, see again surprised me: the pale hand has a big scar, obviously, it is a sign of severe burns. I hurry away, back -- is still looking for something. Junwei NingWenXue

  Later, the thought of him, I would not say how heartache. He was the year of the setting sun, but still want to come out to feed their families; He should live at home, but still need to be around...

  Let's take action to help and care on all those who have difficulty, let them feel the power of love, warm with love the world!




  额头上布满皱纹,记录着那饱经风霜的的日子;一双充满疲惫的眼睛深陷在眼窝里,那眼神有些迷茫;腮帮上的皮肤失去了弹性,松松地搭在肉上……他看见我,有些惊讶,也许我是第一个这么称呼他的`人吧。他慢慢走到一边,我刚刚把垃圾扔进去,又看到了让我吃惊的一幕:那苍白的手上有一块大疤,很显然,那是重度烧伤的标志。我匆匆离去,再回头——依然是在寻找东西  之后,一想到他,我就会有说不出的心痛。他已是夕阳之年,却依然要出来养家糊口;他本应该在家享福,却依然要到处奔波……


