岁末,白雪皑皑的圣诞又要到了,虽然在国内现在也有很多人过圣诞,但对这个血统正派的西洋节日你真正了解吗?快通过我们的十个问题来测一测你对圣诞节知多少吧! 1. 圣诞节的来历是什么?
In Christianity, Christmas is the festival celebrating the Nativity of Jesus, the Christian belief that the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament's Messianic prophecies was born to the Virgin Mary。 在基督教的传统中,圣诞节是为庆祝基督耶稣降生的节日。基督教徒相信,弥赛亚告知圣母玛利亚孕育了上帝的儿子耶稣。
2. 传统的圣诞习俗有哪些?
Even in countries where there is a strong Christian tradition,Christmas celebrations can vary markedly from country to country.Formany Christians, a religious service plays an important part in therecognition of the season. Secular processions,featuring Santa Claus and other seasonal figures are often held. Familyreunions and the exchange of gifts are a widespread feature of theseason。
圣诞习俗国与国之间非常不同。对基督教徒来说,在圣诞节举行相应的宗教仪式必不可少。世俗的传统,通常包含圣诞老人和其他节日特征。家庭会在这一天团聚、互换礼物。 3. 各国的圣诞大餐都吃些啥?
A special Christmas family meal is an important part of the celebrationfor many, but what is actually served can vary greatly from country tocountry. In England, and countries influenced by its traditions, a standard
Christmas meal would include turkey, potatoes, vegetables, sausages andgravy, followed by Christmas pudding or mince pies. In Poland and otherparts of eastern Europe and Scandinavia, fish often provides thetraditional main course, but richer meat such as lamb is increasinglyserved. Ham is the main meal in the Philippines, while in
Germany,France and Austria, goose and pork are favored. Beef, ham and chickenin various recipes are popular throughout the world。
4. 圣诞的传统装饰都有哪些? Since the 19th century, the poinsettia, a native plant from Mexico,has been associated with Christmas. Other popular holiday plantsinclude holly, mistletoe, red amaryllis, and Christmas cactus. Along with a Christmas tree, the interior of a home may be decorated with these plants, along with garlands andevergreen foliage.In Australia, North and South America, and Europe, itis traditional to decorate the outside of houses with lights andsometimes with illuminated sleighs,snowmen, and other Christmas figures. The
traditional colors ofChristmas are pine green (evergreen),snow white, and heart red。 自19世纪开始,一品红,一种原产于墨西哥的植物就和圣诞节联系起来。其他流行的圣诞装饰植物还包括冬青树、懈寄生(拜痞子蔡所赐相信大家都知道了那个著名的关于亲吻的故事)、红色宫人草和蟹爪兰。它们和圣诞树、花环、绿叶一起用以装饰房间。在澳洲、南北美和欧洲,还有用灯泡、发光的.雪橇、雪人和其他圣诞人物装饰屋子外部的传统。圣诞节最传统的装饰颜色是青色、雪白和大红。
5. 圣诞赞歌有什么来源吗?
In the thirteenth century, in France, Germany, and particularly, Italy,a strong tradition of popular Christmas songs in the native languagedeveloped.[30] Christmas carols in English first appear in 1426. Thesongs we know specifically as carols were originally communal songs sung during celebrations like harvest tide as well as Christmas。 13世纪,法国德国、特别是在意大利,用当地语言写成的圣诞歌开始流行起来。第一首英语的圣诞赞歌写于1426年。现在为我们所熟知的那些圣诞赞歌应该是和丰收节的传统一并起源的。
6. 圣诞节一定要寄卡片吗?
Christmas cards are usually exchanged during the weeks preceding
Christmas Day on December 25 by many people (including non-Christians)in Western society and in Asia. The traditional greeting reads
Happy New Year
A number of nations have issued commemorative stamps at Christmastime. Postal customers will often use these stamps to mail Christmas cards, and they are popular with philatelists. Thesestamps are usually printed in considerable quantities。
8. 圣诞老人原名 “ 圣塔尼古拉斯 ” !?
The most famous and pervasive of these figures in modern celebration worldwide is Santa Claus, a mythical giftbringer, dressed in red, whose origins have disputed sources. SantaClaus is a corruption of the Dutch Sinterklaas, which means simply Saint Nicholas. Nicholas was Bishop of Myra (in modern day Turkey) inthe fourth century. Among other saintly attributes, he was noted forthe care of Children, generosity, and the giving of gifts。 全球最知名的圣诞人物恐怕就是圣诞老人了,他老人家带礼物、穿红衫,广受小盆友欢迎。他的英文名SantaClaus是德语Sinterklaas的误传,而Sinterklaas的直译就是“圣塔尼古拉斯”了。尼古拉斯先生是14世纪玛拉国(今土耳其)的主教,他非常关心孩子,慷慨大方、乐施礼物。后成为圣诞老人的原型。 9. 小圣诞 (Little Christmas) 是怎么回事?
Little Christmas is one of the traditional names in Ireland forJanuary 6, more
commonly known in the rest of the world as theCelebration of the Epiphany.It is so called because it was the day on which Christmas Day wascelebrated under the Roman calendar, before the adoption of theGregorian calendar. It is the traditional end of the Christmas seasonand the last day of the Christmas holidays for both primary andsecondary schools in Ireland。
10. 女人的圣诞节 (Women's Christmas) 又是怎么回事儿?
Little Christmas is also called Women's Christmas, and sometimesWomen's Little Christmas. It is so called because of the tradition ofIrish men taking on all the household duties for the day and givingtheir wives a day off.Most women hold parties or go out to celebrate
the day with their friends, sisters, mothers, aunts, etc. Bars andrestaurants usually serve mostly women and girls on this night.Children often buy presents for their mothers and grandmothers。