导语:朝花夕拾是一本著名的课外读物,他给我们讲诉了:就是讲述六岁的小姑娘林英子住在北京城南的一条小胡同里,认识了秀贞。后来,秀贞与离散六年的女儿妞儿相认后,立刻带着妞儿去寻找爸爸,不幸被火车压死。没过多久,林英子的.爸爸因为得了重病去世了。而“我”却去找妈妈了…… 下面是小编为大家整理了城南旧事的英语读后感。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!
Lin's "city", is beautiful and ordinary. Light words, is sending out the breath of love.
Actually the main content of this book is very simple, is six years old girl eiko Lin live in Beijing, south of the town a small alley, met her virginity. Six years later, show their virginity and discrete, after his daughter girl who immediately took the girl to find father, unfortunately killed by a train. Before long, the eiko Lin's father died because suddenly got sick seriously. And the "I" is to find a mother...
In this book, my favorite article is "HuiAn pavilion", because it used a variety of dialects of describing the name "HuiAn house" is extremely interesting. In Beijing words is "HuiAn pavilion", said Song Ma became "difficult pavilion", mother said is "grey doll house", but dad said "aviation pavilion".
Of course, this is a book full of humanity, eiko heart is pure and transparent, when the adults couldn't see the beauty and ugliness, she was able to see clearly. Eiko kind, battle righteousness, stubborn, bright, bold, which is to pursue in our life, no matter how old are you, no matter what position you are in, that should not be lost childhood innocence and goodness.
Kind and pure beautiful childhood is worth every one of us to taste, to cherish.