Fish and Chips
在英国流传着这样一句话 “There is nothing more British than Fish and Chips.”
最著名的鱼和薯条,连外国总统去英国访问,也会被邀请吃到!在英国大街小巷总是可以看到各种各样的Fish and Chips店,但当地人更喜欢将这样的特色美
食”wrapped in newspapers and eaten out-of-doors”。
Fish and chips is a hot dish of English origin consisting of fried battered fish and hot chips. It is a common take-away food and an early example of culinary fusion.
British cuisine
传统的英式西餐包括有牛排(Roast Beef),约克郡布丁(Yorkshire Pudding),牛肉腰子派(Steak and Kidney Pie)和甜点蛋糕(Trifle)。这样看起来,
British cuisine is the specific set of cooking traditions and practices associated with the United Kingdom. British cuisine has been described as
"unfussy dishes made with quality local ingredients, matched with simple sauces to accentuate flavour, rather than disguise it."
Traditional English Breakfast
如果说鱼和薯条是英国人的'路边小食,那么一份正统的英式早餐, 可以说是其悠闲生活的最好写照啦!大部分英国人还是更加倾向于”full English breakfast”,
也被称之为Full breakfast,配菜众多,营养丰富。
A full breakfast is a breakfast meal, usually including bacon, sausages, eggs, and a variety of other cooked foods, with a beverage such as coffee or
tea which originated in England, United Kingdom. It is especially popular in the UK and Ireland, to the extent that many cafés and pubs offer the
meal at any time of day as an "all-day breakfast". It is also popular in other English-speaking countries, particularly countries that were a part of the
British Empire.
首先,如果你遇见了这道题:Describe a foreign food you like,那么请你感恩自己的超强人品,可以直接将环球君的盘点进行改写,直接说
1) Your favorite food is ……
2) It is usually include ……
3) And it taste ……
4) So that’s why I love it so much.
比如第一段中的culinary fusion表示的就是【味道的融合】,这个词组难度系数并不大,但是却能够比delicious让你加分的多~
再比如第二段中的matched with simple sauces to accentuate flavor, rather than disguise it这个表达,意思是通过酱汁来增强味道,而非用于装饰,可以直接拿来用,也可以产生不少变化。