
时间:2024-05-30 10:39:27



  theorem 原理,定理v.s. theory

  methodology 方法论 ( method)

  physiology 生理学 (à physiological)

  psychiatry 精神病学^ psychology, psycho, psychosis, psychoanalysis

  correlation 相互关系à correlation coefficient

  sensation 感觉,知觉 (另)轰动à sensational

  perception 感知,认知

  intuition 知觉 (à intuitive)

  ESP 第六感 (Extrasensory Perception)

  motivate 激励à motivation (^ bonus, commission, …)

  incentive 激励因素

  stimulus 刺激à stimulate, stimulation

  disorder 紊乱,失调

  dysfunction 机能障碍dys(=dis) + function

  dissonance 不和谐,不一致dis + son(sound) +ance

  trauma 创伤 (à traumatic)the trauma caused by Sept. 11

  anxiety 焦虑 (= anxiousness)

  depression 沮丧 (de + press + ion)~ depressedv.s. repression (压抑)

  insomnia 失眠

  phobia 恐惧(症) à suffix: -phobia

  acrophobia ^ acronym: IELTS, TOEFL…

  xenophobia a fear of foreigners or strangers

  claustrophobia a fear of being closed in a confined place

  allergy 过敏(症),反感 (à allergic)He is allergic to card playing.

  propensity Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery.= tendency, inclination

  paranoid 偏执的. paranoia (偏执狂)

  workaholic 工作狂 ( alcoholic)

  symptom 症状

  diagnosis 诊断(n.) diagnose (v.)Arthur Haily: “The Final Diagnosis”

  electroencephalogram 脑电图^ electrocardiogram (心电图)

  assertive 武断的 ( assert)

  therapy 治疗法group therapy

  hypnotism 催眠术 (~ hypnotize)

  prescribe 开药方v.s. subscribe, describe, inscribeà prescription: ~ drugs

  antidepressant 抗抑郁药

  tranquilizer 镇静药 ( tranquil)

  side-effect (+s) 副作用

  immune 免疫的,免除的 (à immunity)

  rehabilitation 复原,康复

  relapse 旧病复发,故态复萌v.s. elapse^ 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜!

  chronic 慢性的

  adulthood <> childhood

  puberty 青春发动期

  adolescence 青春期 (the time of life between puberty and adulthood)

  emotional <> rational

  affective 情感的 ( affection)

  sane 神智健全的à insane

  superstition 迷信à superstitious

  telepathy 传心术,通灵术tele(far away) + pathy(heart)^ numerology, palmistry…

  apathy 无感情,无兴趣,冷漠 (= indifference)a(no) + pathyv.s. sympathy: sym(same) + pathy

  pathology 病理学,病理,病变

  delusion 迷惑,欺瞒v.s. illusion

  disorientation 迷失 (dis + orientation)~ disoriented

  pervert 使反常/变态 反常/变态者à perversion

  introspection 内省v.s. retrospection (回顾,反省)

  sublimation 纯化,升华 sublime

  personality = personal characteristicsmultiple personality (多重人格)

  innate 天赋的 in + nate(nature)= inborn, congenital

  attribute 属性 (à attributable)

  trait 特征,品质national traits 国民性vs. traitor

