
时间:2024-05-24 10:39:42




  Where is thetourist information office?在哪里有旅游信息中心?

  We are lost, canyou show us the way to tourist information?我们迷路了,你能告诉我们该怎么去旅客谘询中心吗?

  Do you have asightseeing brochure for this town?在这个镇上有观光手册吗?

  Do you have abrochure for sightseeing?你有观光手册吗?

  Do you have afree city map?你有免费的城市地图吗?

  May I have a busroute map, please?请给我一份公共汽车线路图。

  Can I have atour brochure?能给我一个观光册子吗?


  Could you tellme some interesting places in this town?能告诉我一些好玩的地方吗?

  Will you tell mesome interesting places to see in this city?你可以告诉我这个城市有哪些好看的地方吗?

  Can youintroduce me some interesting places in this city?你能介绍我一些这个城市的名胜么?

  Where is thebest place to meet young people?遇见青年人最好的地方在哪?

  I’d like to goshopping. Where is the downtown area?我想去购物。市区在哪?

  Could yourecommend some places where I could go and come back in a day?能推荐一个一天往返的.的地方吗?

  Where is theplace to enjoy a nice view?在哪能看到美好风光?

  Is it far fromhere?那离这里远吗?

  Can I walk downthere?我能走着去那吗?

  How long does ittake to get there on foot?步行到那里需要多长时间?

  Can I go thereby bus?我能乘巴士去那吗?

  How far is itfrom here?那离这里多远?

  How can I get tothe cathedral?我怎么去大教堂?

  Excuse me. Couldyou tell me the way to the post office?打扰一下。能告诉我去邮局怎么走?

  Where is thebank?银行在哪?

  How can I get tothis address?我怎么到这个地址?


  Go straight andturn to the left at the second traffic light.直走第二个红绿灯左转

  Can I walk downthere?我能步行到那吗?

  You should takea bus你应该乘车

  Which bus?什么线路?

  How many busstops until there?去那多少站?

  I’d like to takethe horse-drawn carriage. How much does it cost?我想乘马车。多少钱?

  Are there anysightseeing boats?这有观光船吗?

  Can I make areservation here?我可以预订吗?

  Can I buy aticket here?我能在这买票吗?

  Is there atwo-hour sightseeing cruise?有两小时的观光船吗?

  Does the ticketinclude the fee of sightseeing cruise?这个票包括观光游船的费用吗?

  Where can I getthe bus?我在哪乘车?

  Where can I getthe bus to downtown?到哪坐去市区的巴士?

  Could you showme the way on this map?你能在地图上给我指路吗?

  Could you pleasepoint out where I am on this map?你能不能在地图上给我指一下我现在在哪儿?

  Could you writeit down here?能写在这吗?


  Where is therestroom?洗手见在哪?

  What time?几点拉?

  Is the museum ofart open today?今天艺术馆开门吗?

  Is the artmuseum open to the public?这个艺术博物馆对公众开放吗?

  How much is theentrance fee?门票多少钱?

  Is there a giftshop?那有礼品店吗?

  Is there a giftshop in this museum?这个博物馆有礼品店吗?

  Is the botanicgarden open today?今天植物园开门吗?

  How late thedepartment stores are open?商店最晚开到几点?

  How late aredepartment stores open?百货公司营业到什么时候?

  Are they open onSundays?他们周日开门吗?

  What time doesit open and close?这什么时候开门和结束?


  Is there asightseeing bus tour?这有观光巴士旅行吗?

  Do you have afull-day tour?你有一个整天的观光吗?

  Is there amorning tour?有早上的观光吗?

  Do you have anight tour?有晚上的观光吗?

  Could you tellme where we’ll visit on this tour?能告诉我我们将参观哪些地方吗?

  Could yourecommend some popular tours?能推荐一些适合我的行程吗?

  How long does ittake to complete the tour?多长时间完成行程?

  Can I sign upfor the sightseeing tour?我能在这里报名参加观光旅游吗?

  Can we have anyfree time during the tour?在旅游期间我们有自由活动的时间吗?

  Do I have enoughtime to take pictures?我们有时间照相吗?

  Do we have aChinese-speaking guide?我们有中文导游吗?

  Is there a tourwith a Chinese-speaking guide?这有带中文导游的行程吗?

  I’d like to hirea Chinese-speaking guide.我想雇一个中文导游

  I’d like to go tosightseeing by taxi.我想乘出租车观光

  How much is itfor a day?一天多少钱?

  Do you have anyother tours?你有其他行程吗?


  Are any mealsincluded?包含食物吗?

  What time do youleave?你什么时间离开?

  What time willyou come back?你什么时候回来?

  Where do youleave?你要上哪里?

  Where and whattime will you come back?你什么时间,在哪回来?

  Could you pickme up at Boston hotel?你能在波士顿酒店接我吗?

  What is that?那是什么?

  How high is it?它有多高?

  Who lived here?谁住在这?

  What is the nameof that river?这条河叫什么名字?

  How long do westop here?我们在这停多久?

  Where does thisstreet lead to?这条街通向哪里?

  Do I have timeto eat?我们有吃东西的时间

  Can I go to therestroom?我能去洗手间吗?

  By what timeshould I be back to the bus?什么时候我应该回到车上?

  How long does ittake to get there?多长时间能到那?

  Thank you. I hada great time.谢谢,我感觉很好

