
时间:2024-06-27 08:33:28




sea 海

high seas, open sea 远海

ocean 大洋

inlet 小湾

bay 海湾,湾

gulf 海湾

cove 湾

cape 海角

promontory, headland 海角,岬

cliff 悬崖峭壁

port, harbour 港 (美作:harbor)

bay, roadstead 碇泊处

sandbank 沙滩

beach, shore 海滩

strait 海峡

isthmus 地峡

reef 礁石

key 暗礁

sandbar 沙洲

tide 潮

wave 浪

undertow 回头浪

tempest 风暴

ground swell 涌浪

seaquake 海震,海啸

low water 最低水位

territorial waters 领海,领水

ice floe 冰川

iceberg 冰山

shore 海岸

bank 河岸

estuary 湖港区

delta 三角洲

mouth, ria 河口

flord 峡湾

current, watercourse 水流

stream, brook 小溪

torrent 湍流山溪

rapids 急流

source 源头

spring 泉

bed 河床

flood 洪水

flow 泛滥

swelling, freshet 河水猛涨,涨水

basin 流域

waterfall, falls, cascade 瀑布

cataract 大瀑布

tributary 支流

confluent 汇合点

meander 河曲

canal 运河

wadi, wady 干谷


Marine biological environment is a complex system including sea water, sea water, soluble matter and suspended matter, seabed sediments and marine organisms. The rich biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources in the sea are indispensable human resources treasure houses, which are closely related to the survival and development of mankind.

At present, the main objective of marine conservation is to protect marine biological resources so that they can not be exhausted for sustainable use by mankind. In particular, priority should be given to the conservation of marine animals that are valuable and endangered. According to the UN investigation, due to overfishing, mangrove accidental killing of non target to allow the killing of marine organisms, the coastal engineering construction, deforestation, pollution of the marine environment in general, at least 25 of the world's most valuable fisheries resources consumed, whales, sea turtles, manatees and many other marine animal faces the danger of extinction. It is expected that with the expansion of marine development, it is possible to cause more damage to marine biological resources.

Marine protection task should first stop on the marine biological resources excessive use, secondly to protect the marine biological habitat or habitat, especially their migration, spawning, feeding, avoid Huahai coastline, beaches, estuaries, coral reefs, to prevent heavy metals, pesticides, oil, organic produce and eutrophication. Nutrients such as marine pollution. Maintain the ability of regeneration of marine biological resources and the natural purification ability of the sea water, maintain the marine ecological balance, and ensure the sustainable development and utilization of the marine.

