
时间:2024-06-04 02:15:33



  122. The survey gave further _____ of continuing strength in investment.

  A. incidence

  B. prudence

  C. prevalence

  D. evidence

  123. Authorities are mounting a campaign to combat an alarming rise in juvenile _____ and drug taking.

  A. delinquency

  B. mistake

  C. evil

  D. crime

  124. Office politics is a universal problem that _____ culture.

  A. goes into

  B. goes for

  C. goes with

  D. goes beyond

  125. The Federal Reserve and other central banks spend a ________ $1 billion to $3 billion buying the US currency.

  A. estimated

  B. exact

  C. evaluated

  D. calculated


  121. B

  stagnancy 停滞, 迟钝

  efficiency 效率, 功效

  complacency 满足, 安心

  inadvertency 不注意, 怠慢

  122. D

  incidence 落下的方式, 影响范围

  prudence 审慎

  prevalence 流行

  evidence 明显, 显著, 明白, 迹象, 根据

  123. A

  delinquency 行为不良, 错失

  mistake 错误, 过失

  evil 邪恶, 不幸, 罪恶

  crime 犯罪, 犯罪行为, 罪行, 罪恶

  124. D

  go into 进入, 加入, 探究, 变得

  go for 去找, 努力获取, 被认为, 主张, 拥护

  go with 伴随, 与...相配

  go beyond 超出

  125. A

  estimate 估计, 估价, 评估

  exact 精确的, 准确的', 原样的, 精密的, 严格

  evaluate 评价, 估计, 求...的值

  calculate 计算, 考虑, 计划, 打算((看完))

  Unit 5 综合练习

  126. One may call this a crisis situation because the dollar has _____ quite steadily.

  A. depreciated

  B. converted

  C. circulated

  D. alleviated

  127. It is very discourteous to be _____ during someone's conversation.

  A. in the way

  B. in a way

  C. leading the way

  D. giving way

  128. The problem is ______ easy. But I am sure you will find a solution to it if you work.

  A. above all

  B. terribly

  C. nothing but

  D. anything but

  129. The first phone cards went into ______ in Italy in 1976. Since then they have been issued in every country.

  A. circulation

  B. business

  C. currency

  D. force

  130. If you spend all your time and energy trying to _____ out what words got said, you miss out on comprehending the message.

  A. finger

  B. feature

  C. nurture

  D. figure


  126. A

  depreciate 折旧, 贬值, 降低, 贬低, 轻视

  convert 使转变, 转换...,使...改变信仰

  circulate 流通, 运行, 循环, 传播

  alleviate 使易于忍受, 减轻

  127. A

  in the way 挡道,妨碍某人

  in a way 在某种程度上, 稍稍

  lead the way 带路, 示范

  give way 撤退, 让路, 退让, 垮掉, 倒塌, 屈服, 跌价

  128. D

  above all 最重要, 首先

  terribly 可怕地, 十分, 极

  nothing but 只

  anything but 决不

  129. A

  circulation 循环, 流通, 发行额

  business 商业, 买卖, 交易, 生意, 事情, 事物, 营业, 商行

  currency 流通

  force 力量, 武力, 精力, 魄力, 势力, 暴力

  go into circulation 是一个短语,意思是“进入流通”。

  currency 不和go into 搭配。

  130. D

  finger 用手指拨弄, 伸出

  feature vi.起重要作用 vt. 是...的特色, 特写, 放映

  nurture 养育, 给与营养物, 教养

  figure out 计算出;明白;推测

  句中的miss out 解释为遗漏

